Get in the Green Groove

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Kids Pre-Show!!

Okay, Okay! We are so excited!!

We just got our order of kids tees in and we are so crazied up about them that we had to give you a little pre-show of the designs. Just a sneak peek though, we are only showing you two of the designs. We will leave the rest for our big unveil, hopefully next week!

We have 5 different designs so everyone should be able to pick a favorite! We have, Miss Apple, Mr. Cow, Mr. Green Bean, Mr. Owl and Mr. Planet. They all share a little saying and a fun little message. Miss Apple,for instance, "Loves her red shoes", Mr. Green Been "Has cool hair" and Mr. Planet "loves his moustache!" Who knew they had such cool personalities!

What more could you want in a kids shirt! A good message, deliciously cute, no chemicals to hurt their little bodies and of course a tad of funny (our favorite)!! They will also be easy on the pocketbook too. Only $15.00 a shirt! Pretty good for all organic and water/based printing! Yippy!!

So, take a look at Miss. Apple and Mr. Cow!

Coming soon to an all organic tee!

100% made in the USA! Sizes will be 2, 4 and 6.

They can only be found at Green Girl T-Shirt Co. (where it's Cool to be Green)!!

PS. Say hi to Phillip. He did our printing for us (or was it the monkeys)!! Thanks Phillip!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Poo Poo On Us!

Very cool funny blog Aims! Makes me wonder then...what is the percentage on our poo? Hmmm... ;-) the book Aims recommended: Deliciously Deceptive by Jessica Seinfeld. Interesting recipes and opportunities to sneak some veggies in the food. But you know, the concept is also a good idea to get more veggies in the diet then just what you cook for dinner. There is a muffin recipe where you can get 1/4 your daily recommendation of veggies. The trick - will it be any good? So, this weekend I am going to stock up on all the ingredients and give it a try. I'll take some pics too. We'll see what we come up with, however, it won't be considered a success unless I see a smile on Jeff's face. He's my big kid. If it tastes "bad" then we have "good". ;-)

For all you non-toxic cleaning supply people - came across a site that has all sort of useful ideas for vinegar .

And for those of you who are ditching the plastic grocery bags for the recycleable bag - Method cleaning products is offering a free bag if you use their products
Save the landfills!

Have a great weekend!

Gas vs. Poo


13 PERCENT = The percentage of greenhouse gases created by all trucks, SUVs, cars, airplanes, trains and other transportation. (Gas)

18 PERCENT = The amount of greenhouse gases created by livestock production. (Poo)

Source: United Nations

Moral of the story: Would you rather sit in a barn with a bunch of poo or just with a few farting cows? ( I know, neither sounds pleasant, but the analogy fits!)

Above was a quick fact from the Organic Bytes newsletter. ( I had to add my flash of moral thought though, as you didn't know, right?)

So, if you are one of those people on a mission to get all those big SUV's off the road. Why not focus your energy on getting all the factory farms off the land too! I think the poo problem is a far more stinkier problem than gas. Even though they both leave a stink, the poo will sit and stew for a long time while gas doesn't have that much hang time (unless it's a bean burrito). :) Good observation! Let's clean up the poo!!

Now, for some ideas:

Find a local farm to get your meat from. They treat their animals with respect and don't create a lot of poo. They are good stewards to the land and don't contaminate our water.

Check out the 100 mile diet. It gives you good information on why you should eat local and how to do it.

Need to find a farm? Check out Local Harvest! Put in your zip, city or state and Presto! You got the goods!

Choose your local restaurants instead of those big chains. Most of the big guys get their meat from all those poo farms.

Oh, and you can't forget to look at the Eat Well Guide!

Well, I gotta go. It seems the dog under my feet has a little gas problem too! Must be the eggs!

Take care, GG Aims

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Take the Junk Food Quiz

Hi All!

Do you know what is considered junk food in school? Take this quiz and find out.

Junk Food Quiz

Let's tell the schools we want organic foods in the school cafeterias.

Check out what Hopkins School in Minnesota is doing and also Appleton school in Wisconsin. I wish more schools would follow.

Hopkins Royal Cuisine

Eat well today! :)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Cool School

Happy Monday all!

Well I just wanted to share a little tidbit I ran across this morning. Kinda uplifted my spirits a little. Now, who doesn't need that?

It was this video from the Earthday Network talking about this school in Washington DC, the Sidwell Friends School. A school that has taken on the issues surrounding our planet and the climate crisis.

You know, as a mother, you can't help but think about what this planet is going to be like for our children in years to come. What have we, as people, done to create such a problem?

It's time to take a step back and see what we can do to help make a change for the better.

A few things come to mind.

First, educate yourself. You won't change unless you are aware of the issues and the outcomes.

Second, make little changes. Buy organic apples this week, cancel your weed killer application for your yard this fall or spring (who says a yard has to be perfect?). Do you and the girls get together once a month? Why not have an organic wine and cheese party! Have each friend bring their favorite glass, share a good book and drink up! Do your kids like all that icky hot lunch food at school everyday? Compromise, let them pick 2 days a week for hot lunch and the other three make their lunch with organic goodies. Another simple thing to do is pass on some knowledge to a friend (the easiest of all)!

Last, slow down. Turn off your tv and play with your kids, take a walk (your dog will like that), be thankful, or make a good home cooked meal for your family with all organic ingredients ( you wont believe the sense of accomplishment you'll get from that!)

Just making conscious decisions in what you buy makes a huge difference! Another thing to remember, is that it takes a little time and effort to find the change between the couch cushions but it's definitely worth it!

So, take a look and see what this school is doing. It's Pretty cool!

Sidwell Friends School

Have a great day!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Sneaky food!

Ha Ha! Jaims. I saw your post and had to reply. Maybe husbands are a lot like kids!

Yesterday I just made a chocolate beet cake! Who Knew! It was very very good! The frosting was a bit much but I'll explain in a bit.

First, I saw Jessica Seinfeld on Oprah the other day and she has a new book out called Deceptively Delicious. It's about sneaking in veggies in unsuspecting places. She uses purees so everything comes out moist and delicious. The only thing I have tried was the cake so I can't comment on the other things. I have heard though that it's a more "grown up" flavor to her foods. Maybe good for husbands!

Now, about the frosting. My kids liked the cake but NOT the frosting. It was very strong. You use cream cheese, cocoa powder the unsweetened kind (I think that was overpowering) confectioners' sugar and vanilla extract. Just too much for little taste buds. I even found myself scraping it off. My husband said he liked it though. But, hey, it was cake! He's not going to complain.

Anyway, I will make the cake again just changed the frosting. :)

Maybe that is what you need to do with Jeff. You need to get creative. Another good cookbook you need is the Farmer John Cookbook. This book gives you lots of tips and new ideas for all those goodies in your box. This book comes from the CSA I belong too.

I know, it's hard when you start getting veggies that you have never heard of before. Like kohlrabi. Plus, I still don't know what to do with all my kale!

Well, have a great day! And get to cookin'!

Over and out.

Oops. Forgot to tell you what Green Bags are. They are bags that you put your fresh produce in and they remove the gases to help prolong the shelf life. I think I said before, my strawberries got a funny taste though. They kept ripening. But, they did last longer and didn't get any mold or decay. That's good, because if you do nothing mine start to rot in a couple days! Anyway, they do help. I have heard about little packets that you can throw into containers too. They might be worth a look into.

Happy Friday!

Well it's a wonderful friday morning...i woke up this morning to hear that Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize! Terrific news. It's exciting that this issue of global warming is on the table and being taken seriously. Good for this he thought his destiny a few years back was running our country and instead his path was diverted to saving the planet! No pain, no gain. ;-)

On a lighter note...what is a green bag Aims?

Oh! So the latest on my end...finally found a local farm/ CSA (find out more what a CSA is on our Knowledge page) to deliver fresh vegetables. The fun part of this is that you don't know what to expect. It's whatever is in season. So my first box contained edamane (i know i spelled that wrong), zucchini, a yellow watermelon?!?!?, squash, small baby tomatoes, etc. - and it's different down here in Florida with our weather so you don't generally receive the same sort of "fall" vegetables that someone in the seasonal states might receive (like my bud Aims) - ok all - here's the challenge though...Jeff (my husband) eats about 2 vegetables at home(but a restaurant or someone's home he'll be more adventurous let's say...) - corn and green beans. So now we have all these fresh vegetables and as I am pulling them out of the box, he is all ready wrinkling his nose. Later that night, I boiled the edamane and shucked them on the couch while we were watching Bionic Woman (not as good as the original of course) and out of the corner of his eye he was watching me. "I'm not eating that crap. Gross!!" he says. I told him if he wasn't careful I was going to grind it up and sneak it his Thurday night beef burrito. So now I have these vegetables (fresh) and how am I going to get him to eat them? ;-)~

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

GMO'S What!

I'm Back!! Sorry. I Just checked my emails and I get so pumped about this stuff! The GMO'S these big corporations are trying to shove down our throats. Yucky!

Take a look at this newsletter. It came from Spilling The Beans.

GMO's What!

It's worth your time to read it. Do your homework and educate yourselves on GMO's. Your body will thank you, your kids will thank you and so will our planet. :)

Take care and feed your bellies happy!


Hey everyone! It's Green Girl Aims. Just stopping by again to say hi
and to fill you in on the news that's been circulating in my brain.

First, I have started using my Green Bags. They seem to be ok. Still not quite sure about them. One thing that was weird, is that when I put my strawberries in them they seemed to ripen fast. They lost their sweet taste. Not sure why. They didn't rot out or mold, just had a more different taste. Hummmm.. It's like things still ripen they just don't get brown or moldy. I haven't made up my mind about them. I'll keep you posted.

Also, I came across some interesting information that I was not aware of. You know those CF bulbs everyone is telling you to put in your home. Well, they contain a small amount of mercury. Now, I'm not saying don't buy them, I just think people need to be aware of how to dispose of them properly. If all of us start using them and just throw them in the trash we could start a brand new problem with our landfills and contamination. Came across this website. Check it out, lots of good info.

Things you should know

Fact Sheet

Hope it all helps.

We are so close in getting our kids tees completed. They are deliciously cute!! I can't wait to get them up on the site.

Over and out.