Get in the Green Groove

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I think our Grandparents were right

As I was driving home today after completing my errands I couldn't stop thinking about all the "things" I saw while shopping that I felt I wanted. One in particular was this Sony Reader Digital Book. I looked at that thing and thought how cool! It can hold 160 books at a time! Awesome, I would love to have that! I was also looking at all the gadgets for my ipod that I got for Christmas. You can get speakers, cases, covers, and headsets. Then on the next isle was cell phones and blackberries, portable dvd players,and mp3 players. Then I saw GPS systems, satellite radios and a new thing called a mylo (something like a PC in your pocket).

Well, after making my mental wish list of all these things, it started me thinking about my Grandparents and their thoughts on all the "new" things of their day. I remember when computers came out, boom boxes, microwaves, and cable tv. Oh, do not forget the remote control!! That was huge! No more getting up and down to change the channel. Then there was the VCR and Atari (don't forget that! Ms. Packman and Frogger) Actually, I think I got the Odyssey play system. That never did take off like Atari did. Bummer.

My Grandparents view on all this was probably the same for allot of your Grandparents as well. Who needs that? It's going to rot your brain. You need to go outside and play more. You can get cancer from that! In my day we played games, actual games, none of this computer stuff! We didn't have TV in our day we just used our imagination! The list goes on and on!!

Being young, at the time, I can remember rolling my eyes and saying yeah, yeah, whatever!! I just thought all this stuff was cool! I also remember saying. "Come on Grandma, they wouldn't make this stuff it was bad for us." Well, I'm reconsidering that statement now. Were our Grandparents right?

The things that make me think they were right are the signs of our society today. We are overweight, stressed out, impatient, sick, and depressed. We take a gazillion medications to bring us up and then more to bring us back down. Our communication is based on text messaging and email. Bringing and end to the days of the coffee clutch (woman getting together over coffee to exchange coupons,recipes, and a bit of gossip). Also, think about what we see on tv these days! We are so involved in everyone else's lives with all this reality tv, that we forget we have one too.

What about our environment? What is happening there? All this electromagnetic chaos is causing all kinds of problems!! Is the colony collapse disorder that is affecting the bees caused by this? It's a speculation. What about the migratory birds? I think we are screwing them up too. Don't even get me started about the GMO problem or the cloned animals! I just read somewhere that they are now working on a new GM carrot that will produce more calcium. Ya know, people, just stop being lazy and eat a balanced diet. We don't need to manipulate our food just because we are choosing to eat all the wrong foods! People have survived thousands of years on the crops that have been given to us! The carrot does not need perfecting. Our thoughts do.

I can't help but wonder what is all this technology accomplishing and will it ever stop? I don't think it will and I don't know how much more we our planet can take.

But, I guess what I can do is this. Keep buying books. Hold it and feel each page. Get connected again and take a look at it when I'm finished. No digital book will show the emotion; the bended corners, the coffee stains, a jotted note or two, and maybe a dried teardrop. Yes, a book! It feels much better in my hands.

"To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch... to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived This is to have succeeded!" Emerson

ps. They were right. Now I'm going to play a game with my kids. A real game, not on the computer or tv. I bet Grandma is smiling right now!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Good Morning God

We not only dig organics and everything sustainable and just but we truly, truly dig God! Our passion for what we do thrives because of our love for the Lord and his creation. What better way to show your love than to take care of his creation!! The power of a tiny seed nested in the ground can feed many. It's not by our understanding but by His. We will never get it, never understand it and never make it (the seed) better. Understand this so today you may look at your food a bit differently. It truly is a gift from God.

Just cruising around the web this morning and someone told me to look up Coffey. Oh my! What a cutie pie! Had to upload this video! What an awesome voice. Hope you enjoy!! Thanks Melanie for sending this our way!

Good Morning God! It's a great day!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Extreme Recycling - You Go Boy!

Check out this guy! Sculptor, Tony Cragg, uses garbage to create art. Just some cool stuff to be inspired by.

Can you find the garbage?

See some of his other recycled art at:

Now talk about reduce reuse recycle!

Sing along everyone! Check out Jack Johnson's video!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Good News for you milk drinkers!

Hot off the presses!

Our friends at Food and Water Watch just updated us on the milk labeling rule change for those of you in Pennsylvania. It seems as though they are going to keep allowing companies to label their milk with a r-BGH free label!! Good news!! Now we can make a choice as to whether or not we want to ingest growth hormones with our big glass of milk.

Ya know, the bottom line is this. Those big biotechnology companies can tamper with our food all they want (we wish they wouldn't but it's hard to stop that), but please don't deceive us consumers and sneak this stuff into our food without us knowing about it. Let us make up our own minds. What the FDA says is safe doesn't hold water in our bucket anyhow. We don't know who compiles the "safe list". Do they have vested interest in what they deem safe? Don't know. But,all of us should start making these decisions for ourselves and stop allowing a government agency control over our health. All we need is a label that says what is in the food. Genetically engineered ingredients, r-BGH and now cloned animals. It should be on the label. We always say "Eat the way God intended. From His garden."

Thanks Food and Water Watch for all you do!!

Get the press release here.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Icky Bad! Cloning and GMOs Exposed!

Finally!!! All the Cloning and GMO nastiness going on is finally revealed in mainstream media...check out the news clip from Good Morning America!

Cloning on GMA

Found another one on abc news.

abc news on cloning

Show your support and tell everyone to "Stick It"! Wear the tee. :-)

Don't forget to sign the petition at The Center For Food Safety. Tell them to put a label on it!!

Cloned food Labeling Act

Have a great "greenie"

If you haven't had a chance to laugh today, which is very important to us!!
Take a look at this Laverne and Shirley clip!
Hope it makes you smile! Go Betty Go!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Miss. Apple is headed to the BIG APPLE!!

That's right. Miss. Apple has packed her bags and she is on her way to NYC! She is taking along with her Mr. Green Bean and Mr. Planet.

They have been tagged, boxed and shipped!

What fun! We hope they will be well received!

We had to post a few photos because we are
so excited about their new destination!

Our kids shirts will now be carried at the Playgarden 95 Franklin Street in NYC.

The Playgarden is a 4,000 square foot playcenter that will feature ball pits, tunnels, ladders, bridges and much more! Sounds like fun to us!

Being Earth friendly is also important to the Playgarden. They use recycled materials, organic products and even have an energy saving air-purification system! I'm sure we have all been into an indoor playcenter that needed a good air-purification system! High on the stinky meter!! Good for them! I'm glad they are going the extra mile for the health and safety of our little ones.

So, if you live in or are visiting NYC stop in and say hi! Don't forget to bring your kids along so they can play for a bit! Also, don't forget to pop into the gift shop and have a look around, see if you can find your favorite Green Girl Tee!!

Well, onward and upward!!

Have a wonderful greenish kinda day!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Our theme song!!

Well, if anyone needs a little pick me up today this little ditty should do it for you!

We were just talking today about business and all the things your mind can get wrapped around that stops you from celebrating the little accomplishments. Like we should have done it this way or I wish we didn't do that, or change this. But, actually each step brings you closer to your destination. I think the key is to focus more on the now than on formulas and business plans.

Well, as we were talking (actually emailing) this song came to mind and we thought "This is totally us! We are Laverne and Shirley!" I used to love that show by the way! Especially Lenny and Squiggy! Anyway, this is now our theme song!

No matter what you are trying to accomplish in life just remember to be true to yourself and do it your way! There is not a formula out there that can make you succeed. You can analyze, crunch numbers, formulate, create charts, graphs and all that other mumbo jumbo. But, when it comes down to it, look at what is in your heart and maybe step out of the box (filled with formulas and pie charts) a little and try it your way! Who knows what will happen! Remember it was the turtle who won the race , not that crazy rabbit.

So, here we go... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Schlemeel, schlemazel, hasenfeffer incorporated!!

Have a wonderful day! I'm sure we will post more Laverne and Shirley clips!

Monday, January 7, 2008


We just got some new photos of kids diggin' their Green Girl Tees! Just thought we would share. It's fun to be Green!!

What a couple of cutie pies!

We also just heard of more bad news out of China. It seems some of the flip flops from Wal-Mart are causing a bad skin reaction. Check out the Flip Flop/Flop from snopes. Icky. Be careful what you buy! Our shirts are made in the USA and printed using water based inks!

Smile, it's a great day!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all! We wish you much success and happiness in 2008!

Just a quick update on what has been happening around here.

Well, we are officially in our first store! We are so excited! Our kids shirts are now being sold at Choices Natural Market in Rockford Il. The response has been great! The adults and kids love them all! Thanks so much Karen for letting us be a part of your store!

Thanks, also, for all of you who have purchased a shirt and who have given us such wonderful comments and feedback! This has been a great start for us and we can't wait to continue through the new year! Maybe more new products on the way!! If you have any suggestions let us know!

If you are interested in getting our shirts in your store please give us a call! We have a low minimum order of only 12 shirts! Give us a ring or an email and we will give you the numbers. We want to make it easy for you!

Have a wonderful 08!

"The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that outlasts it." William James