Get in the Green Groove

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Hey Everyone!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out our Green Girl T-Shirt Co. Blog.

We will be writing about "living the green life", or at least trying to, and the challenges we face in doing so.

Ya know, it's a tough world out there and maybe if we share our story, you won't feel so bad! We all have struggles with what food to buy, what light bulbs to buy, what clothes to wear, what to recycle and what to just pitch. It's crazy!

Don't sweat it though! We got your back. At least we are all trying to make a difference. Isn't that what matters most?

We hope you enjoy a laugh or two, life is too serious sometimes, and enjoy finding your own Green Groove!

Carry on,

Amy (Aims), Jamie (J'aims)

oh, about our names. We have been best friends since high school (please don't ask us how long ago that was) , and those (Aims and J'aims) were our nicknames. I guess we just thought they were cool. Maybe we thought we were too, who knows! I guess, they are kinda corny now, but oh well. We still like to use them. It must bring us back to our high school days! Ah, the days of yesteryear! Ha Ha. Don't worry, we're not that old! Anyway, we respond to either or and we may use them interchangeably. :) Have a super day!

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