Get in the Green Groove

Friday, September 28, 2007

Green Girl Aims

Hey everyone! Just thought I would give you a quick intro. about myself.

I'm a stay at home mom with 3 kids and one big kid, my husband. It's a crazy household we live in and I can not keep the darn house picked up! I have WAY to much going on and my brain is always thinking of the next thing to do. In some crazy way though I like it. Hum, who knew? I also think I have developed ADD since I became a mother. Again, I think it is because of all the things I have going on. Tasks, just don't seem to get accomplished like they use to.

Example, cleaning out the fridge. As I was grabbing the butter out of the fridge this morning, (I made pancakes for everyone today, no school.) I found a shriveled up pepper. I had to laugh and even took a picture of it. It was kinda cute. I guess organic peppers shrivel up just like the others! I got some of those Green Bags -Evert-Fresh Green Bags. I'll let you know how they work and if they keep my little peppers from shriveling up. I just have to remember to put my stuff in the bags. I usually just run home quick and throw everything into the fridge. Plus, I think you have to make sure everything is dry when you put it in the bag, no moisture at all.

I belong to a CSA and I'm hoping this will help me keep my goodies fresh longer. It's hard when you get all this good produce and it rots in your fridge because you can't use it fast enough. What a waste eh? Again, more planning that my brain is having a hard time keeping up with! Or maybe it's me. I can't keep up! Ha Ha

Well, hope you all are having a great day! I have to go and take care of my kiddies. A mothers job is never done.

Oh, speaking of kiddies. We are working on a new line of kids tees. They are way to cute! I can't wait to get them out. I hope you will like them. Sizes will be 2, 4 and 6. :) We will keep you posted on how it's going with them. Our creative brains are working. Good News!!

Hey Jaims! How is your day going? Any shrively things in your fridge??

over and out. Aims


Anonymous said...

Isn't it ironic that we buy organic produce and then put it in plastic bags to keep it fresh? Instead of Evert Fresh bags, which are plastic, I use dampened organic cotton eco-bags. They work fine for me. And if some food goes bad, I just compost it. Food biodegrades, but plastic lasts forever.

Feel free to e-mail me (via my profile) if you have any questions about how the Evert Fresh bags are made. I've been researching them.

Green Girl T-Shirt Company said...
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Green Girl T-Shirt Company said...

Thanks Beth for the tip!! Love it.

How does the dampened organic cotton bags work? interesting.

Sure, if you have the time, please tell us how the Evert Fresh bags are made. Very interesting... We love to learn!!

Thanks again. :)