Get in the Green Groove

Friday, February 1, 2008

Super Food Bowl

Just ran across this very cute video on the Natural News website. Something that should be circulated everywhere. Take a break today and check it out. :) Lets change our thinking so we can wrap our brains around the concept of fresh is best!!

Don't forget to check out all the other good information on the Natural News website. Tons and tons of good stuff!

Hey moms out there! Want a cool and fun way to pack your kids lunch? It's fun for you and for your child. I just bought the Laptop Lunch System and what a hit that is!! My son has told me he is not going to buy hot lunch again! Plus, he says, "It's very popular. " I guess his friends gather around to see what is in his lunch each day. How cool is that! It is designed so when you open the box you see everything which makes it very eye appealing. The containers are bright colors and when you add colorful food it makes it even better. Check out some photos of what people have come up with. Photos

This is so cool, even for the moms, because it gets your creative juices flowing. It's like a surprise for your child each day. Makes eating healthy fun again and of course popular!! Now, who doesn't like that?

Enjoy your day today, and eat healthy!!!

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